Friday, 6 November 2009

Dulwich Craft Fair


Dulwich Craft Fair

St Barnabas Church Hall
Dulwich Village, London SE21

Sat November 14th, 2009
St Barnabas Church Hall
10am - 5pm
Nearest Stations: Dulwich North & Dulwich West


Anonymous said...

Oooh! Good luck with that! Dulwich is a lovely place to do a craft fair and you will get alot of people buying crafty things there I'm sure. Xx

Kitchen fitter in Faversham said...

I hope to be there to give u support!!
By the way I am putting together a post about animal lights, and i remember your beautiful duck light in your living room. I would love to post one photo of it in your home!! Do u think that would be possible? If so pls take a nice photo of it in your house and send it to me for the blog.

Fabric Nation said...

Thank you both, and everyone that braved that amazing weather and made it out to the craft.

Kitchen fitter in Faversham said...

I can't believe it did happen yesterday!! I don't know where mine head is these days..How was it?? I hope it went well, I don't seem to stop this days. Sorry I wasn't there to give u my support.