Exciting parcels in the post today as I have just got my Fabric Nation labels. I'm really pleased with them. Up until now I had been using woven school labels, which I really like, but wanted something with my logo on. I used Tanners Woven Labels who were very helpful and sent a 'proof' version before they made them up. I had trouble deciding on the colour as I use so many different colour fabrics. In the end I decided on orange as I love the way it blends with browns and yellows, but really brings out blues and greens too. And as for orange and pink... I love it! They are designed so I can sew them into the seams or hand stitch around the edges. The logo design is based on 1950's hotel and motel signs, like this one, which we went past tons of times on holiday a few years back, but never managed to get a photo of.
your labels look great!
Ooo I love the colour! They look fabulous :)
Great labels! I need to check that site out, I really need new ones and I've been using the school labels too :)
Thanks everyone!
Exquisite labels, they look so clean and crisp!
I'll be checking that site out, too, for when (if ever!) I get around to making the felt bags I have planned...
They look fantastic, bet they look even better on your pieces.
Thanks Beady! I'm having fun deciding where to sew them in!
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